Info broker NDB gan..
Posting Anggota
Om, kenapa gak bisa pulsa three yak? Pulsa Tsel bisa soalnya.
This is my trades performance this week. I will try again for margin $20. If the result is still profit, I will open forexcopy at the another weeks.
"easier to achieve but harder to be consistent"
"easier to achieve but harder to be consistent"
long week end. ditunggu yg mau withdrawal dari broker justforexnya om..
min, kapan kira-kira bisa diproses status membership ane? Safril_Fx piterprabadi
Bagaimana cara mengetahui membership fxbc kita sudah aktif? piterprabadi Safril_Fx
Berhasil melewati hari pertama compunding $10 jadi $877 dalam 20HK. Mohon masukannya gan all, apakah ini realistis?
gan, ane nubie di fxbc.. cara liat rebate ataupun cara daftar akun hotforex ane dmn? mohon dipandu..